Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Public Freedom (Malaysians Issues)

Public Freedom (Malaysians Issues)

50th years merdeka of Malaya and later the joining of Sabah and Sarawak has indeed made progress, but what about the next 50 years? Should this 50th mark the pinnacle achievement of Malaysia and now its downhill form now on?

Like many other countries, Malaysia also faces lots of issues such as corruption, racism, religion, and many others. Now in saying that, does this mean we should just accept it? I say hell no! Malaysia is my birth country and even thou I don’t have the same equality with other Malaysians, I still am loyal to this country. Now when I mean loyal I do not mean IM loyal to BN (because BN is not the country but just a bunch of corrupted people with a double face). But sadly this days anything you talk bad about the ruling government means your anti Malaysia and should be cancel of citizenship.

Iv been reading “Turks do not want Turkey to be another Malaysia turning into an Islamic state” (Lim Kit Siang, Blog Archive ») and it saddens me to read. This is what I have been writing about how our PM or another politicians just simply advertise their own wrong ideas of Islam in this country to the world. Do they think all leaders of the world are dumb or like George Bush? Why is it so important for Malaysia to be An Islamic state? Pls. tell me what are the benefits? Does it help it promoting unity among all the different race and religion in Malaysia? Will it push Malaysia into a mordent highly technologically advance country? Will it further improve relations with other countries? Will it finally solve the many social issues that have plague this country for so many years?

Religion should never be used for political gains or whatever. In fact I also don’t really like to write about religion because I know it’s a sensitive issue but it is necessary because this will effect us all Malaysians nor matter if your rich or poor. But lets make one thing clear Im not anti Muslims or any religion because unlike some people (corrupt politicians) I respect and admire other religions and race.

UMNO or whatever party should always remember that Malaysia is a multi cultural country and when you politicians say something that alienate the other group of course they are going to disagree and argue. The non-Bumiputera have also played its role in this country long before independents but seems that they all have forgotten this (only remembering they give us citizenship and we should be eternally grateful for this) Its 50th years already people come on!

For the Zam guy, man I don’t like him and Im glad Im not the only one, everything he turns it into a racial issue. Hells even The Sun newspaper also he attack. Very low class guy he really is. Sad sad sad… Now our country faces a lot of corruption and scandals and till today no body is charge with anything. But when other things happen( I don’t want to mention it) strait away the law is the law,,, justice!!! Cancel his citizenship, off with his head!!!! But when this high ranking and rich people who are connected to corrupt politicians they nanti nanti dulu we have to investigate properly we cant accused people with out evidence then years later nothing happens and everybody forgets about it.

The Sabahans need your help!!! Oil is running out, our Sabah oil and our state is still far behind!! After that what you think tourism will replace for oil as the main income!!

Freedom Justice Equality for ALL!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My voice as a student

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who posted their comments and I hope you all will continue doing so. Iv had been cut off from the world for this past few days due to my holidays, as I had no access to Internet or newspaper.

Today I manage to go to the Internet but just for a while only. But before I begin I would like to say IM deeply sorry for the death of Nurin and my preys for her family. All please help pray or just do something for her and her family. She was just a little girl who had her whole life a head of her. May the person who did this be brought to justice.

Now to the UPM issue, I manage to read some blogs and news column and from what I read the student was accuses of being anti-establishment (means going against the supremacy of BN). But this quote by Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) vice-chancellor Nik Mustapha R Abdullah“The action taken by the UPM security department was in accordance with the rules and regulations that relate to disciplinary violations made by Yee. His accusations are lies,” said the VC.” (Lim Kit Siang » Blog Archive). Sickens me a lot! Giving praise to low class people whom acts above the law and basic human rights!
Seems even Uni. Has special task force to deal with students…seriously are this students really are a treat to national security? Aren’t Uni. Suppose to be more concern about matters of oh I don’t know Education!!!!!!!!! No wonder our so-called world class Uni. Only can be seen in BN eyes, trap in their own world (praising them self only when clearly they done a mediocre job of running this country). Freemdon should be for everyone no matter who you are, your entitled to voice and give your opinion and join oppositions. Having an opposition is a healthy thing its what they called democracy! (Someone pls. remind our leaders of this!).

Sometimes it gets really hard to be patriotic when you read and hear news about this. When race and religion plays so much in our country even its already 50 years of so called moving forward when our mind set is still far behind. I don’t object giving more opportunities to poor Malays or bumis, but please remember the others too. I am just lucky my parent works hard so that I can enter Uni. (Private) but what about the others who did not have this luck?
But also the poor quality of our Local U also really is not worth it (In Sabah UMS comes a lot criticisms of being a bad UNI with very low quality in education) “My own Malay teacher said that to my class during when I was form 5”. There is much-needed improvement for our local U.

Ahh this country so many problems, I can’t help but imagine 40 years from now ill be still writing about the same issues as now. “United we stand divided we fall”

IM just a kid who dreams of his beloved Malaysia to become the best, not comparing it self to African countries (salve trade hurt them that’s why) but to Japan, Europe and Singapore. Demand for a change for the good of all Malaysians! I wrote this on the 21 September 2007. (Freedom, Justice and Equality for all!!!)

People who are in power please be mindful that your actions and words because it will affects us all, so please before you say or do something please thinks of all people, from rich to poor, Bumis to Non-Bumis and even foreign workers. Because we are all humans and just want to have a good quality of life for our kids and us.
Lets take this opportunity to strengthen unity by inviting non-Muslims to buka puasa with Muslims together.

(Democracy 41.1% Justice 49.2% Equality 40%) That’s my percentage rating on Malaysia for this 3 things…What do you think? Did I put it too low or too high?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

UPM incident 15 September 2007 (why?)

UPM incident 15 September 2007 (why?)

Recently on the 15 of September 2007 a video was posted on Malaysia kini TV website, where UPM (University Putra Malaysia) students demanding that university personal give an acknowledgement they have confiscated a student laptop. Now before I begin I take no sides either with the students or the Uni. Personals, but judging from the video the student were very angry and upset. After asking the Uni. Personal, he did not give any answer and even try to confiscate the video camera, which was filming at that time. Then he entered into a proton where he tries to get away from the scene. The students still not satisfied and acted to block the way by forming a human wall thus trap the personal. Then later when the police came, the personal brought the police into a close door discussion where none of the student is aloud to be present. Then the film ended with the boy being in the office writing something (I guess it’s a latter).

My opinion is that, there must be something wrong in this picture. Is either the students own mistake or it’s the University people who acted abuse of power. This incident never reach the paper of today which is Sunday and if there is none also tomorrow then I really want all the newspaper to investigate and get the truth behind this incident. Question is that are they any abuses or unfair treatment of students by the Universe personals. And why dint the university just wrote or acknowledge the confiscation of the laptop and give a valid reason (thus not of this will happen in the beginning) for it but instead decided to just walk away and don’t care about the students. Must remember a laptop is very important to a college/ Uni. Student not to mention expansive. So pls. Help me, writes something about this issue in the newspaper. Even Uni. Students have the right to know the truth and free speech and must be respected by the elders too.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Public Freedom ( Malaysia)

Before I begin, I would like to give a brief bio of me. I am a Malaysian Chinese Sabahan (proud to be one), 18 years old, so not old enough to vote yet. Currently studying Per U and my favorite subject is History. IM interested in issues that concern Human Rights, Freedom of speech and thought, Equality and Justice. Reasons for me to write this blog is because no one really cares what I have to say especially older people, Friends could not care less about politics and current issues (more concern of what is the new hand phone model of the market “sad”). I apologize because I am not very good in English and I do not have vas amount of understanding of politics and law plus other matters but really want to learn more. My dream of seeing my beloved country Malaysia has citizens who are entitled to Freedom, Justice and equality for All!
I draw great inspiration and ideas From DAP, PKR, Malaysiakini, My history class, and only “positive” things about BN. But I must say that I don’t support BN. But in fact I will support any political party as long as they hold my ideas of giving all Malaysians the right to of Freedom, Justice and Equality in which sadly BN does a very poor job at it.
The recent riot that broke out now gives the BN opportunity to blame and damage the opposition image. So please don’t give easy opportunities for BN. 1. Don’t burn or insult any thing that will spark offense. You know flags, negaraku, and religion. We should be civilized and act more mature and don’t get too sensitive or emotional. 2. When you make a complaint be sure to have a solution because it does not give a chance for BN to shout back “complaint, complaint tapi tidak ada solution, to lah pembangkang!”
Sabah is the poorest state can I ask why???? When we have so much oil. To my knowledge is that the government are corrupted (no surprise) includes all race, its the evil nature of all men (we should control it). But I really want to know other reasons why??? So please help me understand it. And please post and suggestion to help Sabah and its people (all races).
Religion, why cant Malaysia just be and remain a secular state??? I mean if it keeps Most Malaysians happy and helps in the unity process that why not let it be. Everybody knows already that Islam is the official religion so why must we advertise to the world about it (which just gives us a bad image). So please be more sensitive to other non-Muslims. Unity is but one puzzle to make Malaysia a mordent country. The others are Democracy in which people have the right to choose an alternative party to ruled the country (means greater numbers of opposition is aloud and is able to make a change) to keep the ruling government in check if it wish to win he next election and maintain a majority in parliament. Freedom of speech and ideas also should be encouraged and not have this fear of being jailed (for progress). Removed censored issues please, Malaysians are educated and mature people who understand and know how to think for himself. They don’t need the government to tell them of what they can read and what they cant read.
Is our society that fragile?
I will try my best to write as much I can. Please post any comments and ideas on how to improve my blog. Please suggest blogs and sites also. Post any issues also. Thank you. Pls. don’t post any bad words or any racial abuses pls. Respect and be civilized. ( Be proud being a Malaysian…Demand change for the good of all Malaysians…